I like furnitures because he is so silly. Why is he so silly? Was he born that way? Why isn't he in the sea now with the rest of the silly sea mammals? In episode thirteen, why was Yetso bleeding from the mouth
and ears?
Furnitures is indeed silly. I am so often impressed with the questions I get from the fans. We really know what we're talking about! Furnitures' silliness is rooted deeply in mythology and the collective unconscious. Do a keyword search on the web for "silly" and maybe "sea" and you'll see what I mean. I am always amazed by the level of complexity on this show. Who knew that metaphors could be extended so far? Back to the questions: Furnitures was born deep within the sea but he was much smaller then. During the course of his life, he must have grown into the current sized largish oafish. Is silliness inherent? Was he born with it? Was there a change, a metamorphosis, a cocoon-like transformation into Sillyhood? I think not! And I don't think I need to say why! Harumph!
Furnitures is not in the sea now because he was removed. Yetso was bleeding because he angered Lyle. I think we've all bled from the angering of Lyle every now and then, eh?
Sean asks: