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  Well, I just got my hugely-anticipated "People" Magazine's Annual OAF Issue.
And I don't think I need to tell you what an enormous disappointment it is to find that Furnitures was NOT SELECTED as one of the 50 Most Lovable Oafs. He's not even mentioned in the MAGAZINE. And what is David Hyde Pierce doing as an Oaf?
It's just so frustrating. Sigh.. Click above for a bigger pic.

  Furnitures was on the Teletubbies! From what I've heard, he got along with them quite well. Okay, I'm just kidding. This is actually a fake picture. I "doctored" it up. Furnitures was never on Teletubbies. Hee-hee!

I was recently asked about the dimensions of all the characters in Furnitures the Great Brown Oaf. I found this picture from a 1994 article that shows the relative scale of the cast as compared to a Japanese superheroine. Furnitures is not a big hit in Japan. Tsuji Devahs, the American correspondent to the political newspaper "The Utopian Star", illustrates the show's unpopularity by indicating the change in scale made when it is aired on Japanese TV.
The character "Chief Justice Younger Sister", seen on left, is depicted proportionally to the size of the main 1994 cast of Furnitures. Click the picture to see a zoom-in of Furnitures and friends.
This should clear any and all confusion.

Furnitures is featured on the cover of SPLINGE magazine!
Click above to see the larger version.
Unfortunately, SPLINGE has been removed from all shelves.

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